October 25, 2009

Sassy Story #1

Sassy attended a montessory-style "center" from age two through kindergarten. She absolutely thrived there (Chunky, um not so much - but that's another story). I recommend it highly and one of the things Sassy liked most was the weekly field trips. The school is very conveniently located within proximity of two intersecting freeways. It's very close to where my husband grew up and we lived nearby. The kids almost always took a school bus for field trips and the shortest route to the nearest freeway was turning east from the center. One day when Sassy was about four or five, the bus headed west. I can't recall where they were going, but the teachers practically ran over one another when I arrived at the end of that particular day to tell me about the first 10 minutes of the bus ride. Every one of them was laughing so hard it took a few trys to get the whole story.

Just west of the center is the cemetery where hubby's grandparents are buried. Sassy saw it and yelled, "There's my cemetery!" I'm sure everyone was impressed. Just west of that was our bank where my BFF (and Sassy's godmother) worked. So only a minute later, Sassy yelled, "There's my bank!" Again, everyone was duly fascinated. Just west of that was a business we knew well - it was owned by hubby's best friend's family (the friend now owns it) and hubby was welcome in "the back" when he visited. As soon as she recognized it, Sassy jumped from her seat and exclaimed with great glee, "And there's my liquor store! My dad is there ALL the time!" We are legend at that center.

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