The title describes most things in my life - as in bl8tn to start the new fad diet, bl8tn to start using the elliptical machine in the basement, bl8tn to read those books piled on the nightstand, and so on. So, one of my 2009 resolutions is to start AND MAINTAIN a blog. The other two are to catch up on scrapbooking (uh huh, sure) and enroll in a Master's program.
What inspired me? Does it count that I think about doing things all the time, I just don't actually do a lot of them? And by the way, why doesn't thinking burn calories?!!! I started reading a blog early in 2008 which I compulsively check every day called Notes from the Trenches. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend doing so. This woman is crazy - in a good way! I now religiously check 9 (and counting) personal blogs per day and I cannot describe the entertainment, grace and joy I've discovered through these ladies. Some I know personally and they started theirs as a way to stay connected to friends and family and others seem to have been called to a mission from a higher power. Either way, I feel like I could sit down and share a cup of coffee (or 10) and talk for hours with these women. So, I've joined the ranks - bl8tn.
To start the year off, here is a list of some of my current favorite things:
- Christmas music - yes I am actually happy when the radio stations start playing Christmas music BEFORE Thanksgiving. My kids however are grateful that the "big finishes" are done for another year. I practically traumatized delightful daughter recently as we were driving when I swooped my right arm over into the passenger seat and her chest area for a big finish of "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year".
- Twilight saga - can't get enough and have likely entered "obsession" phase. Yes, I'm one of those - a Twi-hard mom. I wonder if they have an ICD-10 for this condition? I started reading the books October 21st after my daughter berated me for ignoring her pleas to do so for months (they sat on my nightstand so that counts for something). Once I started, I could not put them down. I checked my schedule every work day for the earliest possible time I could go home to read more of my books. I let my daughter out of school early the day the movie opened - more on that in a future post as I rant about the lovely rules at my daughter's school about "excused absences" - so we could be one of the first to see it (and we've seen it twice more), I paid an undisclosed sum so my daughter could make her own sweatshirt design for the movie premier that earned her a detention for being absent for an unexcused reason (do I sound bitter?), I bought "Essence of Twilight" scents for my daughter (but the shipment was misplaced and I received two freebies for my trouble - lovin' my Edward lip balm), and my mother-in-law received the first book as a Christmas gift.
- Blogs - favorites include Notes from the Trenches, Bring The Rain, Our Journey of Love, My Charming Kids, Stones of Rememberance and Mellissa's Musings.
- Watching TV and snuggling with my puppy (she is too a puppy even though 2yo) on cold winter nights - Desperate Housewives, Brothers & Sisters, Samantha Who?, Jon & Kate Plus 8, Housewives of Orange County (guilty pleasure, like watching Dynasty in the 80's!), The Office, 30 Rock and What Not to Wear. I cannot wait for 24 and Lost to start! I also like cable shows Big Love, The Tudors, Weeds and Californication - so "bad" they're good.
- Vacations - I live for planning the real and imagined. If anyone is interested in a sample trip to Hawaii with attractions, accommodations, eats, etc. , I've got you covered. Never been but I've got it all planned out in the event someone calls and says I've got less than 24 hours to get my stuff together and go. I actually fantasize about staying at a private hacienda in the Yucatan Peninsula (and visit their web site often just to hear the awesome trova music and pretend I am laying in a hammock with a drink). I think I was Christopher Columbus or his travel planner in a former life. We are going on a cruise to the Caribbean in 12 days and I can barely contain my excitement. I've started packing lists complete with outfits by day and activity for myself and the kids. I wouldn't dream of planning this for the hubby - he'll ask the day before "what should I pack?" to which I'll respond "whatever you'd like dear". This maintains the harmony in our blessed home. I've taken inventory of "dress up" clothes to make sure everything is cleaned and matched (e.g. green suit with blue shirt and cool tie) and he'll pack his own "street" clothes. I try to control the OCD beast for his sake (and mine :) as much as possible, but travel planning brings out the worst in me.
That's it for now. It feels good to get this going and I can check "start a blog" off the resolution list. Now to maintain ... Happy New Year!!!
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