August 8, 2009

Play Date

We had an awesome time with my BFF and her three girls yesterday!

If I'd taken the shot just a few seconds earlier you would've seen BFF doing the splits! This is E helping momma up off her ass.

E is a do-it-yourselfer!

J won by a landslide
M gets the best effort award
Sassy and E

I'm fairly certain this resulted in a strike for me
Chunky's self portrait

E hanging in the "pool" (aka Jacuzzi) at our house. Momma didn't want her to get her hair wet. I knew all those hotel shower caps would come in handy one day.


  1. Um, did you pick the color of your bowling shoes? They go well with your outfit. At first I thought that you were not wearing them... and I was about to tell you off for that. I then realized that you are just a fashionable gal with an eye for the right bowling shoes.

  2. Yeah, I'm cool like that. Aren't I always a fashion plate at work?! Don't answer that.
