March 5, 2011


Hubby and I are finally hip - we both have different length jeans for different shoes. I used to buy all Hubby's clothing but recently he's started buying his own ah, maturity. He is tall (6'4") and very picky so that really narrows things down except in the jean department - he has like 50. He recently exclaimed he needed different jeans because his new shoes he's become quite the shopper have a lower heel and the "old" jeans drag on the floor unless he's wearing his "high heel" shoes. This got me thinking about my jeans, their length and my shoes. I've almost always worn jeans that hit at my ankle - I figured it was the right length for my height and I've never really gone outside my comfort zone. That's all changed recently as I've watched far too many episodes of 'What Not to Wear' to not heed their advice - dark wash jeans that go to the floor with whatever heel you're wearing make you look long and lean. Now I have "extra long" jeans to wear with heels, "long" jeans that hit at my heel for flats or walking shoes and capri jeans for summer (if it ever arrives in the arctic). By the way, I recently discovered this brand of jeans at Nordstrom and they have changed my life. Love them. LOVE!

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