December 12, 2009

After all... tomorrow is another day

Name that movie and who said it!

I technically finished the paper yesterday - I typed the last words at 11:46pm. Then the printer started making funny sounds. And then I ran out of 3-hole punch paper. Good gravy. I shut everything down and went to bed. This morning I reviewed, made minor edits ('cause I'm a dork), downloaded to a flash drive and headed to Kinko's (evidently it's now FedEx but I still call it Kinko's). They printed put my 10 page paper on 3-hole punch paper for $1.48. For the record, I'm not embarrassed that I had to use my credit card for that measly amount. Off I went to turn it in. I had a dream the other night that I went to turn it in and all the doors were locked. Then last night I dreamt the doors were open but there was no place to put my binder - they had already been picked up. You could not imagine my relief when I arrived this morning at 10am and saw a pile of binders. Phew! I figured I'd buy the books for my next class while I was on campus. As I was walking my right boot heel felt a bit wobbly. I arrived at the bookstore only to find it closed today. of course. I walked back to my car and as I was arranging myself in the driver's seat my heel broke off. Merry Christmas.

Scarlett O'Hara - Gone With the Wind

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