December 31, 2010

The year in review

The older I get, the faster the years go by. I seriously cannot believe it's the last day of 2010. Everything past August is a blur. My babies are getting older and my body parts are moving south. The good news is my memory is getting worse so I don't remember stuff like poor choices I've made in the past. Nevermind that I don't remember where I put my coffee cup most mornings - I'm looking at the silver lining here.

I finished three grad courses this year. That seems like a lot. It probably isn't but humor me. I traveled to the Caribbean, NYC, the east coast and up north. I moved into an office at work and then I moved offices going from a 25 minute drive to an odyssey (I call it driving to Wyoming 'cause it feels that far away). I fired someone and hired someone. I didn't read three books I purchased (maybe I'll read them on vacation though let's be honest it's wishful thinking). I did not do one moment of scrapbooking. Good gravy that's a tough one. My laundry room got a hot makeover and today I did some major purging.

Some of my favorite TV shows faded away this year - 24 (Jack Bauer was the new McGyver), Guiding Light (I hadn't watched in years but started when I was little at my great-grandmother's house up north), Jon & Kate plus Eight (sad, sad tale), The Tudors (Henry, you dog) and Lost (I am lost without it). I am completely over Dancing with the Stars if anyone is interested. The only reason I'd watch is if Britney Spears was a contestant. Or Sean Connery (my star crush, though he's probably getting a little long in the tooth). Or Nigella Lawson (my girl crush). I found some new TV favorites - you may have heard me mention a little show called Glee. My friend MPB gave me the first season as a Christmas gift and my heart did a little happy dance when I opened it. That show has changed my life. I also can't resist The Real Housewives *any city but Atlanta* or Hot in Cleveland.

My resolution for 2011 is to live in the moment and be truly joyful. It should be to lose weight, but who am I kidding? Wait ... I did buy those popular shape-up sneakers today so there's hope yet!

Happy New Year!!!

December 30, 2010


We just found out the in-laws won't be able to join us for our annual winter getaway due to FIL's poor health. It makes me sad on so many levels, but especially for my cherubs. Sassy is very close with all her grandparents, but her Papa holds a special place in her heart as her only grandpa (my dad died when I was 25 - two years before Sassy was born). When I told her they weren't going with us, she just sat quietly sobbing. She doesn't like to be held or consoled until she's ready, just like when she was a baby (Chunky was my cuddlebug). Papa took Sassy and I home from the hospital after she was born (hubby had to work). Papa watched her when she had sick days and I had to work (watching Sleeping Beauty over and over, and over and over). Papa walked her to the bus stop every morning of first and second grades. And Papa plays bingo with her on vacation. We're in a bit of a funk wondering if the new year holds "lasts" for us. Only the good Lord knows what's ahead so we will have to live in the moment.

December 24, 2010

Feast for the eyes

The cherubs were bummed when they discovered I hadn't made their favorite cookie, peanut butter blossoms. So I pressed into action in pursuit of the ever elusive mother-of-the-year award. By the way, the fruitcake cookies have totally grown on me - they get better the longer they sit and marinate in their brandy lusciousness.
Since we didn't do a big, fresh Christmas tree this year, I set the gifts on a table in front of the dining room window for easy access. These are all for the kids, with a couple for hubby and I from my mom (thanks mom!).
Merry Christmas everyone!!!

December 23, 2010

Santa came early

The trucks - all three of them - arrived at 7:20 am and left at 3:20 pm.

Look at the size of those boxes!

At times it was very noisy - lots of drilling and welding and I don't know what else-ing involved with installation of HVAC stuff. I couldn't believe how big the new AC is - evidently everything is 95% efficient.

I sure hope this translates to lower utility bills. I can't wear or drive any of this stuff so it had better pay off somehow! Hubby says the pay off is in hot showers, clean clothes and not freezing to death. Killjoy.

December 21, 2010

Christmas morning

We have a tradition on Christmas morning - the in-laws come over to our house for breakfast and watch the cherubs open their two or three gifts from us. It isn't enough that we are all together Christmas Eve and then trek back to their house Christmas Day - MIL has to see the kids open every. single. gift. God bless her. My Christmas morning menu is similar every year - eggs of some kind, refrigerated overnight bread thing and fruit. This year I'm serving PDub's cinnamon rolls, a frittata and fruit. For the frittata, I'll either make this simple recipe with ham (I'll likely add roasted red peppers to make them festive) or this potato version (potatoes + eggs = breakfast heaven).

December 19, 2010

If satan had a sweater ...

it would look like this.

It sheds - all over the dryer as well as anything else it touches. I even found pink lint on the dog.

It is Sassy's - rather it belongs to a friend of Sassy and I think it should be returned pronto pup.
Satan be gone!

December 18, 2010

Bake off

The title should really be "I baked my ass off". If only that were really possible. Or alternately, "The furry kids ate my sugar/roast/cookies and lived to tell".

I made four types of cookies today and listened to Christmas music. I am slowly but surely becoming one with the holiday season.

I made two of my all time faves - Rugelach and Pistachio/Craisin with icing. The Pistachio/Craisin cookies are super simple and very festive with green & red. I chop pistachios and craisins, then press into sugar cookie dough (homemade or store bought). Bake according to directions and drizzle with melted white chocolate or almond bark (melt, cut off tip of plastic baggie and squeeze or melt in bowl and dip in half of cookie).

I tried two new cookie recipes - PDub's Festive Fruitcake and Giada's Lemon Ricotta. The fruitcake cookies are not my favorite - perhaps they'll grow on me. They have a lot of brandy in them so that could work in their favor. The Lemon cookies are keepers - light and lemony delicious.

When I came home from work yesterday Chunky was cleaning up the mess in the kitchen Sookie (cat) made after she'd gotten into a bag of powdered sugar. Hubby cleaned up tiny bits of a plastic bag which had been the safe haven for a thawing beef roast this morning. And I took a break from cookie baking to fold clothes and returned to find a batch of Rugelach missing from the cookie sheet cooling on the counter. The furry kids are getting coal for Christmas.

December 17, 2010

A is for Accounting

I got 102 points out of a possible 100! I don't know how I did it. Honestly. I procrastinated and obsessed to the point of being completely irrational. Somehow I pulled it off. I will enjoy the break until my next course, Finance, starts in early January. Right now I'm going to savor the "A" and not worry about having one thing ready for Christmas.

December 16, 2010

The Blondes

Sassy babysat our favorite blondie this weekend so her mommies could do their Christmas shopping. I wish I had gotten a photo of baby all snuggled up asleep in the crook of Sassy's arm 30 minutes later.

December 15, 2010

Hello Goodbye

I bought this amazing purse for hubby to give to me for Christmas. I adore it in a very unhealthy way. The first time I saw it I channeled Carrie Bradshaw - Hello Lover. Sadly it is going back. Santa is giving our family a new water softener, water heater, A/C and furnace for Christmas. Only Santa isn't footing the bill. Goodbye Lover.

December 11, 2010

15" of Fun

Don't worry, this isn't a naughty post. Well, not exactly.

You guessed it - yoga was canceled. On the bright side, I couldn't do a downward facing dog or sun salu-anything at the moment. Charming children and I cleared 15" of snow (PLUS if you count the mountain at the end of the driveway left by the city snowplow). My arms and back are killing me.

I gotta give a shout out to Sassy - she is a ROCK STAR! Hubby is (conveniently) out of town.

I hate our snowthrower. Santa may be bringing a new one. The tension line thingy on the right side that makes the snow be gone snapped off at one point. Not happy. When I finally got it hooked back up - my hands are freezing and the do-dad thing is not cooperating - it snapped again. So I had Sassy bring me something to tap it in there. The hook at the top promptly broke on the second tap. So I figure we will work with what we have and go to start it up again. It won't start. Did I mention Chunky was bossing me around and told me to turn off the snowthrower and so I did just so he would stop bossing me? Regret.

This is how far we'd gotten -

There's a lot left to do. See?

Oh what a lovely day. On second thought, maybe Santa will be giving our family snow removal service. I sent Sassy to the side neighbor's house to ask if we could use their snowthrower. Their's was broken too so we went to ask the neighbor across the street and he said yes! The side neighbor came over to see if he could fix ours and he did! Duct tape really is a cure-all!

The last time I was one with winter nature (four weeks ago), I wore my beloved Ugg boots and by the time I finished plowing/shoveling, my boots and feet were soaked. This time I had a stroke of genius - I wore my wellie-style boots. Not the best traction but my feet were dry! I only fell twice - once on my knees while pushing the snowthrower up hill from the backyard after it had run out of gas and another on my ass moving about the garage (at least the ass has padding, not so much the knees).

Sassy and I each ran a snowthrower. I'm not sure what was more fun - having the snow blow back in your face or doing the driveway three times in all?! Yes, I know I look like the a burnt stay-puffed marshmallow in my coat. I don't care. That is the best coat on God's green white earth. It was a Christmas gift (requested) from my MIL six years ago and it is worth its weight in gold. I lost the hood long ago or I'd be rockin' that too. Perhaps the best part was having to stop and wipe the ice/condensation/fog from my glasses so I could see what I was doing. Yes, that and falling on my ass were definitely the most fun parts.

From this -

To this -

It's still coming down. We will likely have to do it again tomorrow. I just turned the outside lights on and you can't even see a glimmer under all the snow.

And no, the paper isn't finished. Argh!

Canceled Saturday

Today is canceled due to weather. Which in one way is good because I still haven't finished my paper and the instructor sent an email yesterday saying it could be turned in by 4:30pm Monday. Score! Sassy and I were scheduled to attend a Nordstrom beauty trend show this morning. It was a risk on a good day as it began at 8am. That's a bit early even for me on a weekend, let alone a teenager. I quickly determined it was a no-go when I saw the snow depth and flurries as I let the dogs out at 5:30am. Chunky's basketball coach called last evening to say no game today. The PTA has been working on our annual book fair at Barnes & Noble for months and I just got word that it has been canceled. Fortunately we can participate in the book fair online. So the only originally planned event that may still be happening is the rescheduled beginner yoga class. Any bets? If yoga class is canceled for the second month due to weather I may never learn to do a downward facing dog pose properly and I definitely will not have the bod I dreamed of for vacation.

Here's the plan for today-
  1. Write the darn paper! I have 50%+ written as half is about leadership. It's the other half about Accounting that's challenging. Argh!
  2. Snow throw. Maybe.
  3. Order from Barnes & Noble. You can order too if you'd like - use code #10316925 at checkout and a percentage will be contributed to St. Peter's school.
  4. Purchase baking supplies to make cookies tomorrow. Only if #2 completed and as a "reward" for finishing that #@*& paper.
  5. Decorate. Sadly I have only added one more item in the last week - our old artificial "pencil" tree. It hasn't seen the light of day in a few years as we've always had a real tree and we haven't decorated downstairs since we moved to our new home. It definitely does not look like Christmas inside our home. Outside, that's another story.

Random note: Ever wondered if the correct spelling is 'canceled' or 'cancelled'? I have and finally decided to look it up on the trusty internet. Evidently it's spelled with one "l" in US and two in UK. Now you know. We can all sleep better tonight. You're welcome.

December 9, 2010


I am writing my Accounting term paper. Technically it's due tomorrow at 4:00pm. I have 12 pages of notes and one finished page. It's a 9-12 page paper. I have a theme song - listen to the title song from this album and replace it with "Procrastination".

December 5, 2010

Pizza genius

I recently picked up one of God's greatest creations at Trader Joe's - packaged pizza dough. I bought it at the same time as the Thanksgiving turkey because I couldn't just buy the turkey and get out of there, I HAD to walk around and see what wonderful things I was living without. The dough was about $1 and could be frozen. Genius! I got an urge to make the pizza yesterday but didn't know if I had everything needed. I found left over turkey sausage logs in the freezer and checked the fridge for cheese only to find I also had turkey pepperoni. Jackpot! I checked the pantry for spaghetti sauce but remembered I needed it for another meal this week. Then I had a revelation - I keep tomato paste around for who knows why and figured I could doctor that up. I was in business!

I cooked up the sausage then removed and put aside. I only cleared out any cakey chunks I didn't want in the sauce and added the paste, one can of water, seasonings (fennel, garlic, herbs) and a little olive oil and honey. This made enough for the pizza plus a little extra to add to the spaghetti later this week.
Can you say "clean your oven, girlfriend!"?
Voila - an amazing homecooked pizza!

December 3, 2010

Holiday rituals

We don't have a lot of holiday rituals now that the kids are older. We used to do a Santa breakfast and photos (when mom remembered the camera) at a beloved regional retailer, drive around viewing house lights, decorate upstairs and down, etc. Now it's pretty low-key. We don't have a tree yet and I have only one decoration inside the house because I came across it in a closet while looking for something else. Hubby does not do outside decoration. I believe he was tortured as a child. I managed to hang swags on the garage lights purchased from the Boy Scout selling door-to-door. I removed the fall garland from the evergreen tops in the planter outside the front door and replaced it with a holiday-themed garland and clip-on poinsettia at the tippy-top. Our Thanksgiving friends gave us a lovely Norway Pine and I tied a ribbon around it to give the aura of festivity. I am in the process of writing a paper for Accounting (I have procrastinated greatly) and as soon as that's done I'm sure I'll get my full Christmas on.

Continuing rituals
- School Concert - last year's was the best ever and I have high expectations for this year which may not be met given last year's was the best in ten years of attendance

- The annual production at Children's Theatre: A Christmas Story. Always a treat and Chunky's favorite activity.

November 29, 2010

Halloween Better Late Than Never Style

Sassy and Chunky carved pumpkins -

Chunky's was particularly proud of how gruesome his was (left) -

Friends stopped by for trick-or-treating. This is Nora as a giraffe (though it looked a little like a cow, sorry MPB).

I loved Nora's socks! Sassy would totally wear these if they came in her size.

November 26, 2010

Turkey Day Redux

Our Thanksgiving was perfect - good food, friends and family. I worked my butt off in the kitchen (if only that were really possible) while hubby and charming children cleaned. The table was set with a linen tablecloth my mom gave me - very elegant (thanks Mom!).

I made the turkey, potatoes and supplied rolls and pies. In-laws brought stuffing, green beans and sweet potatoes. Friends brought cranberry relish (Harry & David - fantastic!) and a cranberry-jello-pineapple-green apple-walnut salad which I'm still craving today. The 16 lb turkey was arctic-bred from Trader Joe's. Did you know the arctic is the top turkey producing state?! I am a big believer in brining - it gives so much flavor and moisture. I either buy already brined or do it myself. TJ's did not disappoint. To impart even more flavor (and the intention of making perfect gravy), Joe was stuffed with an onion, carrots, celery, fresh thyme and rosemary. I used a hybrid of the Pioneer Woman's roasting technique and my own - covered in foil 3 hours at 275 degrees and then basted with butter and dry marsala wine every half hour at 375 degrees (no foil). PDub did not give a total roasting time so I was a bit nervous but it worked out to be 4 1/2 hours which was perfect. Alas no photo of the most perfectly browned bird you've ever seen. If I do say so myself. By the time that opportunity came along we were all too hungry to wait for a photo opp. We have barely any turkey left - we all like white meat and made quick work of that as none of us had eaten breakfast and by 2:00pm were all ravenous. The quest for perfect gravy was not attained. The bottom of my pan was so thick with wine that I didn't feel like I had enough turkey juices to do a gravy justice. Thank goodness for jarred roast turkey gravy and the grocery store being open on Thanksgiving! The potatoes were undercooked (boiled them for what seemed like 45 minutes for pete's sake and the one I taste-tested was super soft). No problem - I fixed by mounding in a baking dish and baking after the turkey was out resting.

I purchased clover leaf rolls from a bakery and was disappointed. Perhaps I should have warmed them more. The pumpkin pie from the same bakery was fabulous -I may never make my own again. I'm off to make a turkey-cranberry-stuffing-potato-white cheddar sandwich. Heaven!

November 24, 2010

Photo Favorites #5

I wouldn't normally post a photo of myself that doesn't include an alcoholic beverage, but I thought an exception was in order for this one. Chunky will never be accused of taking himself too seriously. This was taken by my friend Em during our Hot Sam's photoshoot. We were sitting in front of a campfire and I like the effect the smoke has.
I'm thankful for these two -they're the craziest, bestest things ever!

Happy Thanksgiving!

November 18, 2010

Dress Up Doll

Hello, my name is Better Late Than Never and I have an addiction. I love playing dress up with my daughter. Not as in we both dress up together, as in buying her cute things to wear. It is why she will have a mountain of student loans instead of having college paid for. It is a sickness that began when she only a bump in my belly. I used to buy her cute ensembles like this or this. She wasn't picky (that is until she turned 12) and would wear whatever I put out for her. It was awesome - my own little dress up doll. Styles and attitudes have changed but my obsession still reigns. Now this shop is a favorite. I recently bought this dress for an event. I also like this shop and especially this dress (I'm sick, not crazy - there's no way would I spend that!). I feel like her own personal stylist and though she has a flair of her own, every now and then she indulges me. Like when I talked her into a leopard-print trench coat. Classic! My next mission is roll-up cargo or twill pants. Wish me luck!

November 17, 2010

Will & Kate plus...

I am a sucker for a royal wedding. I remember almost 30 years ago making my BFF get up in the middle of the night to watch the Charles & Di wedding live. I think we had strawberries, chocolate, tea and some other food we thought befitting the occasion. The news that Britain's Prince William has finally proposed is very exciting. How sweet is it that he gave her his mother's ring?! I'm partial to sapphire/diamond rings as I have one myself but it's a little less than Kate's 18 carats. I can't help but feel a little sad for Monaco's Prince Albert. I've always had a special place in my heart for him as the son of my favorite actress, Grace Kelly. He is also getting married next year and I suspect they won't get nearly the press coverage as Will and Kate's wedding. I am anxiously waiting to hear the date so I can clear my calendar.

November 14, 2010

Food workout

Pom-gran-ach: this is the way my great-grandfather, Giovanni Minelli, said pomegranate his middle name was either Battista (like the Italian general) or Baptista (as in John the Baptist), I can't remember. The true italian transalation is melograno but I loved the way he said it in his husky accented voice. I thought he looked like the man in the Grace and Gratitude painting.

I love pomegranates, and eating one always makes me think of grandpa Minelli. The little seeds are tough to release from their cocoon, but it is SO worth. My favorite celebrity chef, Nigella, says to cut them in half, turn over and pound on the skin until the seeds "rain down". She says its therapeutic. I love you Nigella (she's my girl crush), but there's nothing therapeutic about having to clean up pomegrante juice which has been liberally splattered all over my kitchen. I rather enjoy peeling away the rind and membrane one section at a time to dig for the little nuggets. Pomegranates are said to have many health properties, but I love them 'cause they taste good - they way the juice bursts when you first bite into them and the delightful little crunch. I'm thinking the workout to release the little gems and the crunching burns calories; hence the oxymoron of this post's title. Off to make Sassy some popovers with honey butter - a special request to celebrate she made the JO volleyball team. Yeah - more volleyball posts are in our future!

November 13, 2010

Drinking in winter wonderland

We got our first snow of the season. Here's how it all went down -

Chunky wanted to use the snow thrower but since he never has before I was nervous about testing that out today. I had him get it for me out of the shed. Of course there was no gas in it so I put in the only available gas in the garage. Chunky tells me it's the wrong stuff. I go to start the darn thing and it won't turnover. Delightful. I finally get it going after several starts and stops (have to turn the choke down at precisely the right moment) and then the blower thing gets clogged up with heavy, wet, slushy snow. I ask Chunky to get me a wooden spoon so I can dig it out. He is slower than pond water. I spoon the snow out, push a bit, get clogged, spoon. Rinse and repeat a few times. I throw a temper tantrum in the driveway and put away the ?#%*($@! snow thrower. Hubby calls back (Chunky called to tell on me for using the wrong gas) and he tells me it's wrong because it's a gas/oil mix. I ask if there's any other gasoline available and he says no. So by my standards it was right. I plow out of the driveway over mountain of snow to get to grad class. Works like a charm every time.

I'm excited about my first yoga session after class. It's the only thing that gets me through talking about asset turnover, debt ratios and some other accounting blah-blah-blah stuff. I stop at the in-laws because I arrived a full hour early for yoga and their house is in the neighborhood. I get stuck in their driveway. I look up directions just to be sure and find out yoga is cancelled. Of course it is. I stay for supper with in-laws and unstick my car from their drive. I arrive home, gun it into the garage and start the snow thrower. The snow is super heavy and is not blowing very far. For every pass I make, I have to make two more to clean up the snow I just dumped on the part of the drive I already cleared. I do maybe 30% of the drive, attempt to shovel the really tall mounds down and then say "screw it".

Am drinking heavily now. Expect biceps like Popeye in the morning from all the heavy lifting (literally).

November 12, 2010

Will he make it to 12?

Happy 11th Birthday Chunky Monkey!

Please Lord don't let this be foreshadowing of a future as a loanshark

November 9, 2010

Photo Favorites #2

I'm hoping this car is still available when he gets his license in five (gulp) years. I'm afraid of him getting anything more zippy and honestly, have you ever seen anything cuter?!

November 7, 2010

Photo Favorites #1

You've already seen two favorites from our Fall photo shoot. I had to pick one for Christmas cards but I'm not going to share until after they've been sent. Who knows when that will be. I am proud to say I ordered said photo yesterday and as it is well before Thanksgiving I am giving myself props.

There are so many wonderful photos so I have decided to dazzle you with a fresh selection each day or so. Let's start with Silly Sassy - these fit her personality to a "T"!

November 4, 2010

Nothing doing

Sorry for the lack of excitement here. Not much going on this week. Chunky started school basketball practice, MIL is hounding me for Christmas lists and we've had relatively nice weather. I'm selling coffee for the school PTA at church this weekend (loving the Peru right now) and doing Acctg homework/reading. Can you handle all this?! I'm not complaining, just saying things are relatively quiet. I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts. Off to watch The Vampire Diaries - Elena thought she was home free after her evil doppelganger, Katherine, was sealed in a tomb, but now she's been kidnapped. Now that's exciting!

November 3, 2010

Here we go again

The arctic is getting quite the reputation for elections. We may have a repeat of the 2008 recount on our hands. What a mess!

October 30, 2010


Sassy and Chunky have hot dates tonight. Chunky went to a classmates' Halloween party dressed as a chainsaw killer (I am proud). He was so excited he left before I could snap a photo. Sassy and her girlfriends are going to the Masquerade Ball at school.

The three amigos (Sassy's on the right) -

I don't think they made dresses this short when I was teen (soooooooooo long ago), but of course now it's the norm.

I always take shots of the shoes -

Sassy's headpiece -

October 28, 2010


I told you Emily was an awesome photographer, but don't just take my word for it - check out this photo of Chunky. I'm going to have to beat 'em off with a stick! Everything about this photo is incredible - I love the "texture" from the leaves, the cool car, the hat and of course that grin. Sassy looks awesome too. I'm a bit partial, but those are cute kids. Can't wait to see them all Emily, thank you so much!

October 24, 2010

Hot Mess

Today we went to Hot Sam's. It sounds like a porn name. My friend Emily suggested this "hot" spot (get it? ha!) for photos and it was a real treasure. If you like antiques and are intrigued by all things eclectic, including useless and useful "stuff", old railroad cars, old circus wagons, 50's cars in the woods, hippie van, SS Minnow stuck in a swamp, etc., this is the place for you.

I'm Popeye the Sailor Man, I'm Popeye the Sailor Man.
I'm strong to the 'finich' cause I eats me spinach.
I'm Popeye the Sailor Man.
This is Emily - she's the best! Please visit her photography blog and see how talented she is - link on the left under My Blog List.

October 23, 2010

Steals and deals

I am new to the electronic deals world but am loving it. Each day I receive an email from Groupon, Living Social and One Kings Lane. Groupon and Living Social are "local" sites which have deals based on the city in which you live. I especially like learning about places I've never heard of and appreciate the wide variety of offerings (not just food or a particular area of the city). I've already purchased three Christmas gifts and am thinking of buying today's deal for a local Italian restaurant that's new to me ($15 for $30 coupon is a steal!).

October 22, 2010

RIP Sadie Mae

I wasn't sure if I would blog about this or not. The profile to the left has been changed to reflect one less furry kid in our home. Sadie Mae is gone and I hope she's playing with Maisie Daisy in a vast field of catnip at this very moment. You may recall photos of her laying in Maddie's bed or taking Abbie's food - that's the most we saw of her. She wasn't cuddly, friendly or interested in anything but sleeping and eating. She's been making messes all over the house to the point where certain areas smell like a cat box. It didn't matter where I moved her litter box, she just wouldn't use it regularly. She had also taken to going outside most nights. I didn't really mind, but worried she would bring something back into the house to make the other furry kids sick. She's also has been throwing up a lot - under my bed of all places. We adopted Sadie 9 years ago and don't know how old she was, but she was definitely an adult. We found her at the vet amongst the rescues and took her in. She and Maisie were best buds and unfortunately after Maisie died a year and a half ago Sadie has never been the same. She had a good 10+ years and I'm glad this was her home.

October 21, 2010

Birthday poem

Somehow we always say the least to those we love the best

And hope our thoughts are understood although they're unexpressed

That's why it means so very much, when days like this are here

To say how very much you're loved each day throughout the year

Happy Birthday Mom!

October 18, 2010

No soup for you

I don't think of this blog as a vehicle for advancing personal causes or bashing others. I do however feel the need to share things I'm passionate about or thoughts fighting for space in my head every once in awhile.

Sassy was invited to a friend's house for dinner the other night. The friend has had some challenges with school work so understandably the mom is very strict about social activities coming after responsibilities are met. Soon after Sassy arrived (late hour by our dinner standards, 7:00, and we had already eaten), the mom started "grilling" their child in front of Sassy - the friend assured mom all school and house work were complete before Sassy arrived. One last question about a book report due a week or so later sent Sassy packing without dinner. Uh, could the mom have talked with their child privately in another room? Or perhaps before Sassy arrived at their home? Could they have said it would be an early night and required the report be done the next day? Balancing strictness and sensitivity would be optimal. How embarrassing for the friend! It put Sassy in an awkward place and I do not think it's cool to send my kid home without dinner as that was one of the reasons she was there. This is definitely not a hill to die on and Sassy won't starve, but I'm not fond of the way this mom handled the situation. I think it's strange at the very least and fighting for space in my head under the heading "what the ...?".

October 16, 2010

Burn baby burn

We had a bonfire last night. Both Sassy and Chunky had friends over. It was good, clean fun. Not sure if it's clean for the environment, but my hot dog and s'more sure were good.

Volleyball update: Sassy's school faced off against the private school rival again at yesterday's tournament. Unfortunately I had to leave for acctg class after the first two wins against other schools. Sassy was upset before I left because she wasn't playing her best and the coach had asked her to be a leader after another girl was hurt and unable to play. I gave her a mom pep talk (the past is the past, pick yourself up and move on from here, be the best YOU you can be, yada yada) and wished her the best. They won the the first set, lost the second and the third was close but the coach made an "odd" choice and put in a less seasoned player. I heard it wasn't pretty. One game left and then the we'll see where they stand for the season.

October 13, 2010

Win some, lose some

Sassy's team played their #1A rival last night and lost (two main rivals - one public and the other private, this was the private one). Bummer. It was really close - went to three games with her team winning the second and narrowly losing the third by only 2 points. The good news is this is their only loss to date and they are tied with this school for first place in the conference. The other school's only loss was Sassy's team the first time they played against one another. The teams face off again this weekend for a tournament. Should be a nail biter!

October 10, 2010


Chunky asked if I had any bubbles for his tub and I remembered some body wash tucked away from a trip to NYC at least two years ago. I figured it probably wouldn't bubble much but at least he'd smell good (pomegranate). Surprise! It bubbles just fine and I obviously put more than enough in.