Last night was my 25 year high school reunion. I was part excited, part petrified. I hadn't been to a reunion in 15 years and don't really keep in touch with anyone save for a Christmas card here and there or a chance meeting. The event was held at school - not actually our school as we were one of the last classes from the all-girl days and our school was turned into something else after the merger.
My old school - way over there - fond memories of hanging out at the playground in between talking to friends and waiting for guys to sneak over.I had a blast - I arrived at 6:00 and left at 11:30! There were a few who didn't make it - a couple of them I really wanted to see - Lara, Becca, Julie - but it was so much fun catching up with old friends and making "new" ones. I loved getting to know Lisa O who I had barely spent 10 minutes with in high school and now seems like a soul mate. Cathy C has a deep faith that was tested when she lost her one-year old daughter to brain cancer several years ago - she seems to have a direct line to God that I envy.
Class photos - sorry for the poor quality. I'm in the top section, third row - OMG the hair!At one point in the evening we observed that most of us gravitated to the same relationships we had in high school - there were the two cheerleader tables (Cretin and St. Thomas), the smokers (I was one of those occasionally in secret only so not offically part of that group), the "steineys" (Einsteins), and so on. I'm sure you're thinking I was at the steiney table. I hung out with fellow Cretin cheerleaders and a few others. I spent most of my time catching up with Lisa E - in high school she was grounded, humble and fun - Mary O was active, generous, and always building others up - Maria W wasn't a "joiner", always comfortable with any group and didn't put up with any nonsense. None of these women have changed - they're all the same but better! I was really surprised to learn the age ranges of kids - one gal has a 23-year old and several had kids under 5. I'm looking forward to staying in touch and who knows, I may even look forward to the 30th.
Hubby went to the boys school which is the new merged school so his photo is in the hallowed halls as well!